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Permskaya starina. Vy'p.6
Author(s): Dmitriev A.A.

Sbornik istoricheskih statej i materialov preimushhestvenno o Permskom krae… Vy'p. 1–8. – Perm: Tip. P.F. Kamenskogo, 1889–1900. Vy'p. 6. Pervy'e gody' posle Ermaka i smutnoe vremya. Reprintnoe izdanie 1895 goda.

25-letie Permskogo uezdnogo zemstva (10 maya 1870 - 10 maya 1895 g.)
Author(s): Manoczkov V.I.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1895 goda

Puteshestvie po Sibiri i prilegayushhim k nej stranam Czentralnoj Azii
Author(s): Fon-E'tczel A. , Vagner G.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1895 goda