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Istoriya russkoj slovesnosti. Chast 2
Author(s): Shevy'rev S. P.

Chast 2, soderzhashhaya stoletiya XI-e, XII-e. Reprintnoe izdanie 1860 goda

Istoriya russkoj slovesnosti. Chast 3
Author(s): Shevy'rev S. P.

Chast 3: stoletiya XIII-e, XIV-e i nachalo XV-go. Reprintnoe izdanie 1887 goda

Istoriya russkoj slovesnosti. Chast 4
Author(s): Shevy'rev S. P.

Chast 4, soderzhashhaya XV- e stoletie i nachalo XVI-go. Reprintnoe izdanie 1860 goda

O pouchenii Vladimira Monomaha
Author(s): Shlyakov N. V.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1900 goda

Russkaya paleografiya
Author(s): Shlyapkin I. A.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1913 goda

Petr Velikij v russkoj literature
Author(s): Shmurlo E. F.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1889 goda

Istoricheskie svedeniya o czenzure v Rossii
Author(s): Shhebalskij P. K.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1862 goda

Istoriya knigi ot ee poyavleniya do nashih dnej
Author(s): E'gger E'.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1882 goda

Ocherk istorii russkoj czenzury' v svyazi s razvitiem pechati (1703-1903 gg.)
Author(s): E'ngelgardt N. A.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1904 oda

T. G. Shevchenko, ego zhizn i literaturnaya deyatelnost
Author(s): Yakovenko V. I.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1894 goda

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