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Razy'skaniya o drevnejshih russkih letopisny'h svodah
Author(s): Shahmatov A. A.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1908 goda

Materialy' dlya issledovaniya Chuvashskogo yazy'ka
Author(s): Ashmarin N. I.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1898 goda

Zametki o litovskom yazy'ke i slovare. I-VIII
Author(s): Baranovskij A.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1898 goda

Istoriya alfavita i novoe mnenie o proishozhdenii glagoliczy'
Author(s): Belyaev D. F.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1885 goda

Grammatika persidskogo yazy'ka
Author(s): Berezin I. N.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1853 goda

Germenevtika i kritika
Author(s): Blass F. V.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1891 goda

Grammatika mongolsko-kalmy'czkogo yazy'ka
Author(s): Bobrovnikov A. A.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1849 goda

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