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Gorny'e bogatstva i gornopromy'shlennost Permskogo Urala
Author(s): Ivanov P.A.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1912 goda

Kratkaya istoriya upravleniya gornoj chastyu na Urale
Author(s): Ivanov P.A.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1900 goda

Zametki ob Uralskom gornom hozyajstve
Author(s): Kotlyarevskij I.P.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1870 goda

Gornozavodskoj Ural
Author(s): Mitinskij A.N.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1909 goda

Gorny'e zavody' Urala
Author(s): Ozerov I.H.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1910 goda

Za dvesti let. Ocherki po istorii gornozavodskogo Urala. Ch. 1
Author(s): Orlovskij M.P.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1907 goda

Gornozavodskoj Ural
Author(s): Popov R.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1874 goda

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