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A. S. Pushkin, ego publiczisticheskaya i zhurnalnaya deyatelnost
Author(s): Kuzminskij K. S.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1901 goda

Stati, reczenzii, zametki, intervyu
Author(s): Kuprin A. I.

Author(s): Lazhechnikov I. I.

V sbornik voshli proizvedeniya "Zametki dlya biografii Belinskogo", "Znakomstvo moe s Pushkiny'm" i dr.

Zhizn Nikolaya Leskova
Author(s): Leskov A. N.

Slavyanofilstvo i liberalizm
Author(s): Liniczkij P. I.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1882 goda

E'tyudy' kriticheskie i polemicheskie
Author(s): Lunacharskij A. V.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1906 goda

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