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Materialy' dlya biografii Gogolya. Tom 2
Author(s): Shenrok V. I.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1893 goda

Materialy' dlya biografii Gogolya. Tom 3
Author(s): Shenrok V. I.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1895 goda

Gamburgskij schet: Stati – vospominaniya – e'sse (1914–1933)
Author(s): Shklovskij V. B.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1990 goda

Author(s): Shklovskij V. B.

Za i protiv. Zametki o Dostoevskom
Author(s): Shklovskij V. B.

Zametki o proze Pushkina
Author(s): Shklovskij V. B.

Lev Tolstoj
Author(s): Shklovskij V. B.

Marko Polo
Author(s): Shklovskij V. B.

O masterah starinny'h 1714 - 1812
Author(s): Shklovskij V. B.

O Mayakovskom
Author(s): Shklovskij V. B.

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