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Svedeniya ob oficzialnom prepodavanii vostochny'h yazy'kov v Rossii
Author(s): Veselovskij N. I.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1879 goda

O proishozhdenii i yazy'ke vy'mershih ny'ne kurlyandskih krevinov. Issledovanie
Author(s): Videman F. I.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1872 goda

Russkaya grammatika
Author(s): Vostokov A. H.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1874 goda

Filologicheskie nablyudeniya
Author(s): Vostokov A. H.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1865 goda

Slavyanskie narechiya
Author(s): Gebaue'r Ya.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1882 goda

Evrejskaya grammatika
Author(s): Gezenius V. F.

Reprintnoe izdanie 1874 goda

O srodstve yazy'ka slavyanskogo s sanskritskim
Author(s): Gilferding A. F.

Reprintnoe 1853 goda

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